It’s almost summer and that means one thing: prime travel season. According to a recent AAA Travel survey, two-thirds of American travelers plan to take vacations this summer. Top domestic ...
Usually, it takes a harsh winter for us to yearn for travel, but with the state of the world as it is, that yearning has arrived long before the leaves even had a chance to change colors.
While the term “spring cleaning” may conjure the mental image of washing drapes and vacuuming beneath furniture, chances are your car also could benefit from a thorough cleaning. Here are
some tips...
It’s an undeniably bad day when a car crashes into your garden wall or a power surge destroys your air conditioner on a 90-degree day. But there could be a silver lining to your stroke of bad fortune...
Drivers want to save time and local transportation agencies want to improve traffic flow, but at what cost? With posted speed limits increasing on roadways around the country, a vehicle's ability to...