AAA Automatic Renewal FAQs
Will I still receive a renewal notice and new cards?
Yes. Approximately 45 days before your renewal date, you will receive a membership renewal statement and new cards. At that time, if you'd like to make changes to your membership, such as adding Associate members or upgrading your membership, you may log in to your Online Account or call AAA Member Services at 1-877-222-8283. If you don’t make any changes, your credit or debit card on file will be charged for the amount of the bill.
When will my credit or debit card be charged?
If you are enrolled in Automatic Renewal, your credit or debit card will be charged around the 15th day of the month in which your membership expires.
What happens if the payment is unsuccessful?
We will notify you by phone, email, and mail if we are unable to process your payment. At that time, you can log in to your Online Account to renew your membership and re-enroll in Automatic Renewal, or you may have a Member Services representative reset your Automatic Renewal account and take payment by phone at 1-877-222-8283 or at a local AAA office.
How do I change my Automatic Renewal credit card on file?
Log in to your Online Account and select the Change Credit Card button to update the card on file. For security reasons, your information is securely stored and encrypted.
How do I cancel Automatic Renewal?
To remove Automatic Renewal from your membership, please call AAA Member Services at 1-877-222-8283.
Do I get $5 off my renewal dues every year?
The $5 per person discount on your membership dues is a one-time discount offered when you enroll in Automatic Renewal.